Nana Bakery

Some of the Best Bakeries around Chiang Mai

There are now 6 places around Chiang Mai where you can find the croissants and breads from Nana Bakery

Each shop is different in its atmosphere and they are all created by Nico and Hoy. You will find the same attention to quality in the products, the same dedication to make freshly baked croissants, bread, and other specialties.

• The Boulangerie in Plaza 89 in Sarapee (South of the square)

 This is where we make most bread today, it is open until 19:00.

• The Bakery in Nong Hoy (South East)

 The main production place for the croissants is found South East of Chiang Mai.

• The Bakery in Kad Farang, near Hang Dong (South)

Conveniently situated near RimPing and Wine Connection.

• The Coffee Shop (North West of the square)

This was the first to be set up in town, North West of the moat.

• Fresh Croissants and Bread Depot (West)

A small Nana Bakery, managed by Fon.

• The Bakery in near San Pa Tong (Very South, South-West)  

If you leave south of Chiang Mai, South West of Hangdong, near the canal road, at the PTT gas station, you can also find the excellent bread and croissant from Nana Bakery.